Monday, May 10, 2004


Tick-tack, tick-tack, tick-tack… whew! Bored of waiting for closing. I stood as a human, full-time retractor at the operating room the whole day. The case was an explorlap (explorative laparotomy) but I call them usually as: “experimental laparotomy,” since the aim is unknown. The butcher cuts the abdomen right straight into the soul. Reddish, fresh, whole, threads of blood comes out of the cuts. You could just imagine how human flesh treated like market meat. Right with my very own eyes, I saw Fred Crooger stabbed the knife while the patient was sleeping.

In the middle of the exploration I saw on their face the sign of losing hope. Sweat beginning to blurred the surgeon’s eyeglasses. The nick of time had ended. They finally decided not to go further for the patient was suffering from cancer metastasis. Cancer cells had migrated all over his body which started from a pancreatic carcinoma, an area where cancer puts itself in the toughest edge. The pancreas is an area of where most blood vessels are seated. Once the cancer cells choose to go there, the patient has the slit chance of surviving and becomes a scenario the surgeons hate the most. The prognosis was so bad that they only thought of few weeks or hopefully months to live.

The main surgeon had already given up. My senior made a big whew…At last! job is done!, he made face. The nurses counted the instruments and began packing up. I still hold onto the retractors and I didn’t want to give up this man.. Wait ! (in my mind) I had just had a conversation with the patient just prior to the operation. I saw in his face the faith and the hope he was embracing. The conversation was very subtle then. Despair was not in the air. As a matter of fact, he shared to me his unforgettable moments in the Middle East. He sincerely told me how incomparable is being home for him. "Nothing beats the loneliness when I was away from them," he sincerely noted. Nothing could ever be lovelier than being with his own love-ones, once again...

A former overseas worker that looked tired and weary, went back to spend time with his wife and kids. Spending almost half of his life away from his family and love-ones, he finally reunited himself with them. Had it not been with the hospital confinement, he would have planned of getaways for everybody. He even mentioned his great plans for his kids. He openly shared his personal thoughts about how lovely and wonderful wife he has. As excited as a young teenager or lover alluding to his mistress, he felt bashful in mentioning her name to me. It was as though as he will be on a first date. He poignantly addressed his feelings to his stories about his spouse. “ I missed my family and my wife soooo…much that I don’t want to be away from them again,” said he.

"Pack up boys!" I heard our main surgeon reluctantly called everybody's attention. Uh oh!, oh my God, there it goes---- and that only meant for one thing--- I had given up this man. We all did.

HI ! this is just an excerpt of my up-coming book... hope ya' like it mate!
link me!